... how did you get such knowledge, Yucchi? Encyclopedia?
Dated : 21st of May 2011
Dated : 21st of May 2011

In “WHITE” PV they’re classmates!
---Your 15th single, “WHITE”, is used in the Sofina CM too, it’s a fresh song. How’s singing it?
Ko: Refreshing!
J: Eh? Really?
U: Taguchi, ssh. Shut up.
Ko: …the melody is refreshing.
Ka: Yes, It’s a good song with a fresh feeling.
U: You know~ this time we recorded the PV at a German school, right? There were lots of foreigners and I talked quite a lot~
N: When, I didn’t notice?!!
Ko: This time is drama-like. It is story type, based on the idea that 5 years before we all went at the same college.
N: Meeting after 5 years at the school, looking at a picture and laughing.
J: When I looked at the monitor during the filming, the image quality had a movie-ish aura. I think it’s very cool.
Ka: Then, of course, we have added the promised game as special footage!
N: Please look forward to it~
Nakamaru’s absentminded declaration is a severe earthquake for the members?!?
---WHITE lyrics are written with both the male and female point of view. But, if you became girls, what would you do?
N: I would probably have girls talks~
Ka: I would take a bath!
U: Me too!
J: What would you do after entering the bathtub?
Ka: I wouldn’t do something to my own body; I would enter in the girls’ bathroom!
U: Yes! (nods deeply)
Ka: Then I’d wear a one piece dress. I hear it’s fresh/cool, I wonder if it’s true.
Ko: I would emphasize my breast. I want to become a very beautiful girl and being picked up.
J: I want to try a bra! But It seems stiff around the body and not wearable.
N: Then you can wear it on the front. [T/N: he’s referring to the bras w/ hook on the chest.]
Ka: Oh-oh?
J: Ah, I didn’t think about it. …...why do you know it? (smiling widely)
N: Uh. On the contrary, why don’t you know it?
U: The sullen Nakamaru-kun…!
N: Why now I’m sullen?! Of course I know it!
Ko: (Looking at Nakamaru with a “EH?!” face)
N: What the hell, Koki, that face. Surely you know better than me!
U: Nakamaru’s face is too serious (laughs)
Ko: Hey, I don’t know a thing about front hook!
N: You just said the word itself! (laughs)
We too, we cherish the lives!
---Tell us something about the coupling song, “PERFECT”!
Ka: It’s a cheering song for who’s just entered the society. But at the beginning of our debut we were the “will never sing a cheering song” characters, right? (bitter smile)
Ko: But exactly for this reason I think it’s necessary to sing it. We have always wanted to sing it but we were always told “you’re KAT-TUN, so…”. Finally we are able to sing it.
U: I’d like that you listen to it when you feel down.
J: You will be able to cheer up!
N: For example the line “TOMORROW uh~” seems will be really exciting during lives.
J: Tomorrow, haiku of the heart~ [T/N: it’s a pun between tomorrow/tomoro and Tomozou, which I think it’s an old anime character.]
N: …that’s Tomozou, right. No, we aren’t talking about that, but lives. We’re making you waiting a bit.
Ka: The schedule will be decided soon.
Ko: In order that can be realized.
U: There will surely be a live!
J: Yes. Listen to our song and wait with expectation!!
They’re surprised looking at old covers! The reason of their surprise is…
N: Wah! A Yankee mixed among us~!
U: It’s true, it’s this right? (pointing at Nakamaru)
N: No, no, it’s Koki, right? Koki this period was filthy~ (laughs)
Ka: it was still fine! This present Koki is filthier!
J: Ah, it’s true, a Yankee!
Ka: You’re incredible, you had such a period? It looks like you’d fit EXILE.
Ko: I had it. Moreover that’s quite recent. Around 2 years ago?
Ka: This was good, isn’t it (pointing at an older bald picture). It has a feeling of “when you were younger" period.
N: But he’s a complete Yankee!
Ko: Stop this! Can you please stop fooling around using me? You keep saying “Yankee, Yankee”… (tears)
Do you remember when you held lemons for our magazine? [T/N: on The Television covers people have lemons in hand.]
N: I was at elementary school? At a supermarket. [T/N: Not sure what he's meaning here @.@]
Ka: I think I appeared for the first time with “Gokusen” (2005, Nihon TV)?
N: Don’t interrupt!
Ka: After that~ I think it was an interview with Yamapi~
N: What, he’s ignoring me. This guy is losing power to concentrate!!
J: Even before the debut? No, I don’t remember! (bitter smile)
Even the attempt of putting the talk back on track at the end has drifted away, as expected…
N: What, we’re keeping chatting without contents, is this talk ok like this?
Ko: Then, shall we adjust the orbit of our chat?
J: Let’s order all the covers following the year!
Ko: Oooh, we’ve become like this.
Ka: But I think “we’re still just like this?”.
U: For that “24 jikan terebi” lots of TV magazines came for interviews. We did them with an assembly line speed, right?
Ka: That was incredible~
N: Just looking at these magazines memories overflow, but at home now I have lots of CDs. I want to show the booklets so I want to display them. How do you keep KAT-TUN’s CDs?
J: I put them in a box.
U: That box is the garbage can, right? [T/N: pun between box=hako; garbage bin=gomibako]
J: No, it’s different… hey, you just said a smart one! They’re different boxes!
Ko: Taguchi, your tsukkomi was kinda slow! (laughs)
What’s KAT-TUN’s turning point?
Ko: There are lots.
N: From when we became KAT-TUN, every year people of the agency…
Ko: …tell us “This year is an important period!”.
N: They tell us this even now.
U: Indeed.
Ko: Of course we don’t think there are useless periods, it has this meaning. But you know, sometimes is a “we don’t have free time to lose focus!”
J: Every year there are also jobs we are glad to have done, right?
Ka: there aren’t years we say “such a quiet year”.
N: Every year we act with the feelings “this year we must give ourselves”
Ka: But around every 2 years and half, we are brought back to the starting point, more or less (laughs)
U: This is why I think we are daily living at our limits. [T/N: Girigiri de ikiteiru. Real face lyrics.] N: … we’ll give our best to be able to be punctual. [T/N: he says the opposite of “girigiri”]
When Kaito, the Great Pyreenees dog appears, Koki says a pun?
(Kaito hangs around the members)
J: Kaito! Kaai Kai Kai, Kai-Kaito, real pleasure and enjoy~
N: Kaito is indeed big!
Ko: He’s so big-kaito! Just saying. It came in my mind. I wanted to say it. (blushes) [T/N: Koki says “dekkaito” pun between “dekai” (big) and Kaito]
Ka: Kaito, do you want to play again with us? Let’s go to the roof, ok?
U: Ok then, let’s play on the roof~
translations credit to iside89