credit to maruSyume

name NAKAMARU YUICHI nickname YUCCHI, YUU, MARU birthplace TOKYO, JAPAN birthdate SEPTEMBER 4, 1983 zodiac VIRGO siblings 2 YOUNGER SISTERS height 176cm blood type O special talent BEATBOX favourite colour GREY, BLACK, WHITE favourite fruit STRAWBERRY addicted to CHOCOLATE favourite sports SOCCER currently studying at WASEDA UNIVERSITY for HUMAN BEHAVIOUR AND ENVIRONMENT SCIENCES

Tuesday 16 March 2010


Credits to snowaltz@livejournal & konoaida (click here)

Dated 2010.03.08

To everyone who had just finished your holidays and is now going through Monday blues

It’s been hard on you
I’m Nakamaru Yuichi

I feel that morning is the hardest for students and office workers

And to housewives, household chores is hard work

What I can do is to cheer people on in Nakamaru’s Page

What words are the most effective to support people?

The words would be different for people of different ages. However, this time round, let’s think of words suitable for all ages

Let’s start with something simple
“It’s been hard on you”
How’s that?

This is a standard greeting
It can be used for all ages and would not lead to unpleasantness. Our genuine feelings will be able to reach another in a simple way

However, because it is a standard greeting, others may regard our words as placatory

It can be difficult to describe emotions using words. From this, is the above phrase best for supporting another?

“It’s been really hard on you”
How’s that?

This is one of the possible phrases that can be used when supporting another. However, most people feel that this phrase cannot be used on people who are superior or senior to you
Hence, since I do not have a fixed type of audience, I cannot use this on Nakamaru’s Page

Next, a casual phrase
“It’s been hard on you, yea?”
Let’s consider this

This is casual as compared to “It’s been hard on you”. Perhaps this will bring closeness among young people
However, as this will bring unpleasantness to people who are superior or senior to me, it’s best for me to avoid using it on Nakamaru’s Page

Which phrase, among the three above, should be used when you don’t know your audience well? Let’s consider

I think ““It’s been hard on you, yea?” (It’s been hard on you)” is the best choice

“It’s been hard on you, yea?” can bring positive results when used among young people
And the “It’s been hard on you” in () can erase the unpleasantness when the phrase is received by people who are superior or senior

Let’s test if the phrase is effective

===Test as follows===

To everyone who had just finished your holidays and is now facing Monday blues

It’s been hard on you, yea? (It’s been hard on you)
I’m Nakamaru Yuichi


Although I had the thinking that I would like to test the phrases out and see which one would be acceptable across people of all ages
I think I’ve been thinking too much

All in all, let’s work hard together again this week

There is a radio show which I hope everyone will listen to on Tuesday, 12am

It is Bunka Hoso’s

This time, I would be having a heated discussion with Ueda over the listener’s dangerous love problem

By the way, I went to eat puffer fish with Ueda after work two days ago

It’s grilled puffer fish

Bye bye

Gachan, tsu tsu tsu

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