credit to maruSyume

name NAKAMARU YUICHI nickname YUCCHI, YUU, MARU birthplace TOKYO, JAPAN birthdate SEPTEMBER 4, 1983 zodiac VIRGO siblings 2 YOUNGER SISTERS height 176cm blood type O special talent BEATBOX favourite colour GREY, BLACK, WHITE favourite fruit STRAWBERRY addicted to CHOCOLATE favourite sports SOCCER currently studying at WASEDA UNIVERSITY for HUMAN BEHAVIOUR AND ENVIRONMENT SCIENCES

Sunday, 20 March 2011


and horny too teeheehee... just kidding... just kidding...

p/s : HAPPY BIRTHDAY, CRIS ! Don't ever feel too old to be a fangirl, ne~

video credit to chuckles0505

Saturday, 19 March 2011


Dated : 16th of March 2011

It's been a while since the last update of "Nakamaru's Page".
My deepest regard to the people affected by the Tohoku region Pacific Ocean offshore earthquake.

Recently, we got to send a (J-web) Message as KAT-TUN, and all the members are worried about everyone at the disaster-struck areas.

During the earthquake all the KAT-TUN members were in Tokyo.
We've never experienced such violent shakings before, but everyone is alright.

I've seen the image reports of the huge earthquake and tsunami.
There are also images of places that I’ve visited before such as Kesennuma, seeing the places that I’ve memories of being engulfed in tsunami is very shocking and heartbreaking.

The shelters will be cold at night.
There is a lack of supplies.
Also heard that the lifelines have all stopped operating.

In addition there are a lot of aftershocks, it's a situation that is both physically and emotionally agonizing.

I'm sad that I can't do anything, but I'm praying that everyone will be alright.
For the self defense force, and people helping out in the relief efforts, as well as rescue workers from other countries, I pray that they will be able to save more lives in Tohoku.

And as reported by the news, Japan now has insufficient energy supply.
Kanto regions are also having planned blackouts.
Apart from having planned blackouts for the Tohoku region, we can also conserve energy by ourself.

For me, apart from the fridge, all the other appliances that are not in use have been unplugged.
As for things to keep warm, if you wear thicker clothings it should not be a problem.

For Tohoku, let's start by conserving energy together.

The small things around us, simple things that could be done by everyone are unquestionably
the necessary measures that must be exercised now.
Everyone reading "Nakamaru's Page", let's do so too.
One person’s action might not be able to save a lot of energy,
but if everyone who is reading this page can do so together, we'll be able to conserve a lot of energy.
Let's become one.

Also, everyone please be careful of aftershocks.

Nakamaru Yuichi

translations credit to kattunsaikou

Wednesday, 16 March 2011


Posted by KAT-TUN on 15th of March 2011

Dreadful things are happening.
Immediately following the earthquake, we confirmed the safety of the members by mail, luckily all were unhurt and safe, but we are worried about everyone's family, loved ones and the victims of the disaster now.

Aftershocks etc... still worrying, but prepare properly so you can calm down and act when it's important.

Conserve energy etc... even just one second, starting from things around us, are there things we can do?

There are still people suffering. It's not someone else's problem. It ought also change everyone’s feelings.
Everyone is connected, we become one.

And then we pray from the bottom of our hearts for the safety of the people in the affected areas.


Kamenashi Kazuya
Taguchi Junnosuke
Tanaka Koki
Ueda Tatsuya
Nakamaru Yuuichi

We become one.

translations credit to nono96
origional message from johnnys-net

Monday, 14 March 2011


On Friday March 11, after The 2011 Sendai earthquake and tsunami(Tōhoku Chihō Taiheiyō-oki Jishin) has happened, Johnny’s fans all over the world has been worried about the safety of Johnny’s talents. The Johnny’s Family Club has already confirmed the safety of everyone. Thank you for worrying about our artists even in an urgent situation. We sincerely hope that people who have been effected by this disaster will be able to return back to their normal lines.

Johnny’s Family Club
From all the artists.

source : johnnys-net

Friday, 11 March 2011