credit to maruSyume

name NAKAMARU YUICHI nickname YUCCHI, YUU, MARU birthplace TOKYO, JAPAN birthdate SEPTEMBER 4, 1983 zodiac VIRGO siblings 2 YOUNGER SISTERS height 176cm blood type O special talent BEATBOX favourite colour GREY, BLACK, WHITE favourite fruit STRAWBERRY addicted to CHOCOLATE favourite sports SOCCER currently studying at WASEDA UNIVERSITY for HUMAN BEHAVIOUR AND ENVIRONMENT SCIENCES

Monday, 25 April 2011


Dated : 22nd of April 2011

Nyoki Nyoki
Good evening
This is Nakamaru Yuichi

Yesterday we did the radio recording. From now on today we'll do the choreography for "WHITE".

The pollen is definitely bothering me lately.

I've been sneezing extremely often and my eyes are itching.

This can't possibly be hay fever? No, I won't accept it.

For now let's just apply eye lotion.

Since it finally has gotten warmer, I bought shirts.

Lately I've been wearing shirts a lot.
I'm also quite into that one.

And I like gingham check.

I like shirts.

Plus, his rival, "Ma-kun the Marionette" also updated. (I seriously have no clue what this is about and couldn't find anything helpful on it either. If anyone knows, tell me. It might be some kind of inside joke referring to previous jwebs.)

On Saturday, "Galileo Brain Research" will air from 7.54 pm on.

This time we'll be approaching the secrets of anime and chocolate.

On sunday there's the news programme "Shuuichi" from 8 am until 9.55.

You can easily learn about the news of the past week.
Please watch it!

Bye bye~
Gachan, tsu tsu tsu

translations credit to parasol-odori

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