credit to maruSyume

name NAKAMARU YUICHI nickname YUCCHI, YUU, MARU birthplace TOKYO, JAPAN birthdate SEPTEMBER 4, 1983 zodiac VIRGO siblings 2 YOUNGER SISTERS height 176cm blood type O special talent BEATBOX favourite colour GREY, BLACK, WHITE favourite fruit STRAWBERRY addicted to CHOCOLATE favourite sports SOCCER currently studying at WASEDA UNIVERSITY for HUMAN BEHAVIOUR AND ENVIRONMENT SCIENCES

Friday, 10 December 2010


picture credit to yuichi_daily
thanks to lulu


  1. For once, I have no words...what is this from?

  2. gosh xd, my mind thougnt and formulate a question that has to do with his hand :$ u-u

  3. Lada hijau, I would have hug you if you are anywhere near me right now!!! I was totally breathless for seconds. Thanks for sharing this pic and spreading Maru's awesomeness.

  4. eskarina1000 - sorry dear... I'm not sure... maybe it was taken by paparazzi or a screencap from KAT-TUN old performance

    myri-chan - I'm breathless & speechless

    yat - *hug you tightly* that's why i open this blog... it's to spreading Yucchi loves
