What is your ideal proposal phrase?
I'd like to be straightforward with simple words, "Just marry me". Except, I'd be extremely nervous about the situation!
What KAT-TUN song would you like to play at your wedding reception?
"NEIRO". A lot of KAT-TUN's songs have risque lyrics. Therefore a non-offensive song would be good, and if it were this song then I'd feel safe (laughs).
Current memo, "My Latest News"
I changed the way I parted my hair but, did you notice!? It was parted from the right side for a number of years so when I changed it, the hair kept trying to swing to the left. My bangs were confused (laughs).

What is your ideal proposal phrase?
We would get invited to a friend's wedding. As we would watch their joyful figures, out of the blue, I would say "It's about time we get married too!?" (laughs).
What KAT-TUN song would you like to play at your wedding reception?
"PRECIOUS ONE". When I want to space out in my thoughts with a KAT-TUN song, somehow I think this is a good song (laughs). For some reason or another!
Current memo, "My Latest News"
Lately, I think my eye sight has been getting worse. When I watch tv, I slowly end up moving forward. It would be better if I could sit at a natural distance.

What is your ideal proposal phrase?
While watching a sunset I would say, "The sun will set today but the sun between me and you will never set", and while she's laughing I'd propose, "This is how I am, but, be with me for life".
What KAT-TUN song would you like to play at your wedding reception?
"Yorokobi no Uta". Ah it would be nice to sing this with the members at the after party (laughs). It'd be like "This is today's special guest, KAT-TUN".
Current memo, "My Latest News"
When I read the recently popular "KAGEROU", I found it amusing. It was easy to read, so it might be good for young people who don't like reading.

What is your ideal proposal phrase?
It would be like a normal day while watching tv, where I thought it would be okay to just say it. Something like, "From now on in my life, for breakfast every morning, I want to drink your miso soup!" (shyly).
What KAT-TUN song would you like to play at your wedding reception?
"Yorokobi no Uta". The chorus says "I love you" and all. When my cousin got married, he used that song for his wedding ceremony entrance.
Current memo, "My Latest News"
Jimon-san took me to a crab resturant. Jimon is such a foodie. The crab course was delicious.

What is your ideal proposal phrase?
I think I would say something normal like, "I love you. Marry me." but I would properly plan out the timing. It'd be like, "So I have something to say" (laughs).
What KAT-TUN song would you like to play at your wedding reception?
"Love yourself ~kimi ga kirai na kimi ga suki~". I think there are a lot of love songs but this song is about a girl and it says that you are good the way you are.
Current memo, "My Latest News"
I went to see Miyao(Shuntaro)-kun's performance in "The Nutcracker", he co-starred in a drama with me awhile ago. It was so good, I was moved!
Koki-kun's bridal candidate is a "gyaru" type
(aka gal or a lively young girl, see gyaru at wikipedia and more gyaru styles)
nakamaru: If Koki is getting married in the future, I think someone younger would be good for him.
koki: Probably (laughs). But, rather than age, I think my marriage life wouldn't work if it wasn't someone who was stronger than me and could kick me in the ass.
ueda: It wouldn't do if the person didn't gently care for Koki (laughs).
kame: But if you're too kind to Koki, Koki will end up leaving for somewhere (laughs).
nakamaru: Type-wise he seems that he would be suited for a wildly energetic girl!
taguchi: Speaking of a gyaru, what type? A calm girl or a super hyper one?
koki: Hm yeah. There are many types of gyarus.
kame: A strong-willed gyaru would be good.
nakamaru: I know exactly! Surprisingly, I think he would like that type.
ueda: But if we're talking about a strong-willed girl, don't you think Koki would get irritated by her?

nakamaru: No problem, Koki would use force to twist her arm (laughs).
koki: Maa I guess (laughs). But I think I'm fundamentally not cut out for married life. If I ever got unsteady on my feet, the wife would mutter things about me on her twitter (laughs).
all: (Explosive laughter)
kame: It has to be a person who can understand Koki.
koki: In otherwords, a girl who wants a guy to stand on his two feet.
ueda: Yeah!
nakamaru: There is that, yeah.
koki: An open-minded woman is good huh. Also, if a man's purpose was to protect that woman, he would be able to try his best everyday. Men......in the end, they are simple (laughs).
Kamenashi-kun's bridal candidate is an "oneesan" type
(aka a sophisticated girl, literally translated to older sister)
nakamaru: A girl that has a "shuu" straightforward feeling to her would be a good match I guess. koki: That expression is too old (laughs). Give us a more concrete type!
taguchi: "oneesan" type!
kame: You're talking about her personality right!?
nakamaru: And her appearance?
kame: I think for me it'd have to be a girl who is open-minded. She would be very understanding and be able to handle many situations. There is a part of me that is moody, so she would be have to be able to go with it, so to speak.
ueda: But you know, we met that group "Perfume" earlier right. What do you think about that kind of "soothing type" of girl? [ [wiki Perfume]
kame: Ah--, they were speaking coolly, indeed it was soothing (laughs).
koki: But normally, guys do better with an "oneesan" wife.
nakamaru: Yeah, all guys are like that.
taguchi: This is a personal opinion but if you can't depend on your partner, wouldn't you not be able to trust them with your bank book? [it's fairly common for the wife to be in charge of all household finances in japan]
koki: Wow we're having such a realistic discussion (laughs).
ueda: But about that, he has a point (sweats).
kame: Guys work outside of the house so I would be happy if I could entrust someone with matters inside the house.
ueda: Yeah, I agree!
Nakamaru-kun's bridal candidate is "a girl with sense"
kame: A girl that could influence Nakamaru and be decisive would be good, wouldn't it (laughs)?
nakamaru: That's correct!
taguchi: A girl with good sense would be good.
nakamaru: Oi. Does that mean I lack some sense (laughs)?
taguchi: If you couldn't make a decision, I thought it would be good if your partner had good sense. When it comes down to it, you have to decide things on your own right?
nakamaru: That's true but if my partner has her own will, I think life would be easier in everything. If it came down to deciding on something, I would be troubled if she told me "Anything is good".
koki: If you asked "What do you want to eat?" and she said "Anything is good", would you be troubled?
nakamaru: Super troubled!
ueda: At those times, you do a countdown!
kame: What do you mean?
ueda: You say, "Which one do you want, okay, 3, 2, 1!" (laughs).
taguchi: Nice, you can also help them develop instantaneous replying power.
nakamaru: Even so, there are people who say "anyhthing is okay"! If you say "Make a decision", there's a chance they'll get angry at you (laughs).
koki: Then when you ask, "How about beef don?", they'll say "Not really..". From the guy's point of view, they should have said "I don't want beef don" in the first place (laughs).
taguchi: What about a girl who says they want to eat something expensive?
koki: Then pay with your own money (laughs).
nakamaru: That's correct!
"When a man gets tied to a woman who is put together, he might be happy"
Ueda-kun's bridal candidate is "a girl who is put together".
nakamaru: I think a girl who has a good grasp of her surroundings and can take care of household matters would be good for Ueda.
taguchi: Why?
nakamaru: Because Ueda can't get things in order himself (laughs).
ueda: I'm bad with housework. If she asked me to help out, I would try to help but basically I wouldn't want to (laughs). Even though I put my clothes away, I'll realize I would have wanted them folded.
kame: Also you know, what about a girl who changes Ueda without him noticing?
ueda: Yes yes, that!
kame: Then, Ueda would innocently run around picking up things he dropped unaware that he was (laughs).
ueda: I think I would believe I was the authoritative one, but in reality, I would be in the palm of my partner's hand.
kame: When you look at it from that angle, you would see Ueda on his partner's palm running around waa waa-ing.
koki: I think that's good. In the end, that's what you'd call a man standing. But......personally speaking, Ueda's also not cut out for marriage.
ueda: Really? I wanted to have a wedding ceremony one day though.
taguchi: A western ceremony? Japanese-styled ceremony?
taguchi: If you couldn't make a decision, I thought it would be good if your partner had good sense. When it comes down to it, you have to decide things on your own right?
nakamaru: That's true but if my partner has her own will, I think life would be easier in everything. If it came down to deciding on something, I would be troubled if she told me "Anything is good".
koki: If you asked "What do you want to eat?" and she said "Anything is good", would you be troubled?
nakamaru: Super troubled!
ueda: At those times, you do a countdown!
kame: What do you mean?
ueda: You say, "Which one do you want, okay, 3, 2, 1!" (laughs).
taguchi: Nice, you can also help them develop instantaneous replying power.
nakamaru: Even so, there are people who say "anyhthing is okay"! If you say "Make a decision", there's a chance they'll get angry at you (laughs).
koki: Then when you ask, "How about beef don?", they'll say "Not really..". From the guy's point of view, they should have said "I don't want beef don" in the first place (laughs).
taguchi: What about a girl who says they want to eat something expensive?
koki: Then pay with your own money (laughs).
nakamaru: That's correct!
"When a man gets tied to a woman who is put together, he might be happy"
Ueda-kun's bridal candidate is "a girl who is put together".
nakamaru: I think a girl who has a good grasp of her surroundings and can take care of household matters would be good for Ueda.
taguchi: Why?
nakamaru: Because Ueda can't get things in order himself (laughs).
ueda: I'm bad with housework. If she asked me to help out, I would try to help but basically I wouldn't want to (laughs). Even though I put my clothes away, I'll realize I would have wanted them folded.
kame: Also you know, what about a girl who changes Ueda without him noticing?
ueda: Yes yes, that!
kame: Then, Ueda would innocently run around picking up things he dropped unaware that he was (laughs).
ueda: I think I would believe I was the authoritative one, but in reality, I would be in the palm of my partner's hand.
kame: When you look at it from that angle, you would see Ueda on his partner's palm running around waa waa-ing.
koki: I think that's good. In the end, that's what you'd call a man standing. But......personally speaking, Ueda's also not cut out for marriage.
ueda: Really? I wanted to have a wedding ceremony one day though.
taguchi: A western ceremony? Japanese-styled ceremony?

ueda: It'd be nice to have a western-style ceremony in a chapel.
kame: Me too (laughs)!
taguchi: Then how about a compromise. Wear a kimono in the chapel, have chinese food at the reception.
nakamaru: No no don't do that (laughs).
We want to hurry up and meet our future wives!
Taguchi-kun's bridal candidate is "a girl who is like a goldfish".
koki: I wonder what kind of future wife would be good for Taguchi.
kame: Taguchi is influenced easily by other people so someone with a lot of common sense would be good.
taguchi: You may have a point there. Not to mention, young people like people like koki who are overflowing with a sort of wildness. So they probably wouldn't want to be my partner (cries).
koki: That's because someone like me can show my partner a completely different world (laughs).
ueda: A world no one needs to learn about (laughs).
kame: Also, in Taguchi's case, his wife would be a goldfish......
ueda: Taguchi would be poop (laughs).
koki: Even as a joke that's a bad one (laughs).
taguchi: At least call us a pair of ducks (laughs).
koki: Ducks it is then (laughs).
nakamaru: Maa, a person who can support you mentally is good.
koki: Speaking of, anyway you put it, women are support to men.
taguchi: By the way, when anyone gets married will they invite the members to their wedding?
nakamaru: I'll invite!
koki: Even if I get invited I may not show. Well nah it's not that, its just......it's troublesome to let the members see my wife's vows (shyly).
ueda: Why? I will invite!
taguchi: Me too. I want people to sing "Yorokobi no Uta" (laughs).
others: Eehhh~ (laughs).
translations credit to daphuni