Question to Ueda : Any changes after your solo concert?
U : I’m becoming better at the piano.
A : It’s his attitude!
-T : Ever since his solo concert, when he sits down, he will throw his head back (laughs).
U : No no, they’re lying (laughs). I didn’t change at all. If there is really something, I feel that I must practice the piano. Therefore, I’ve been practicing conscientiously recently.
-T : All of us went to watch his solo concert.
T- The balance was good and (Ueda) looked stoic and cool.
N : I was terrified when he was doing the rope stunts.
U : Nakamaru kept telling me not to do them. And Nakamaru’s mother also said the same, they’re indeed alike (laughs).
K : On the whole, the concert has Ueda’s style.
A : Oh, I saw Koki in the hall, we coincidentally went on the same day.
K : Really? I stood up during the encore.
A : And Koki was singing together during the last song, I thought that was very cute (laughs).
U : This is the first time I’m hearing this (laughs).
A : And I was thinking, “Did Koki even memorized the lyrics?” (laughs)
-T : Were you that near to me?
U : I also didn’t know that Akanishi came, he called and told me after that.
A : I didn’t want to say initially.
K : Why?
A : Cos’ I didn’t go to Nakamaru’s stage show...
U : Akanishi said something like, “Don’t tell Nakamaru.”
N : If you minded, you should have come (laughs)!
A : I wanted to go but I’ve got work that couldn’t be pushed away. That was more important than Nakamaru (laughs).
N : Hey! But it’s a pity, Akanishi, that you missed my wonderful stage show.
-T : But Nakamaru’s stage show isn’t something great (laughs).
N : Hey!!!!

translations credit to konoaida
Question to Ueda : Any changes after your solo concert?
U : I’m becoming better at the piano.
A : It’s his attitude!
-T : Ever since his solo concert, when he sits down, he will throw his head back (laughs).
U : No no, they’re lying (laughs). I didn’t change at all. If there is really something, I feel that I must practice the piano. Therefore, I’ve been practicing conscientiously recently.
-T : All of us went to watch his solo concert.
T- The balance was good and (Ueda) looked stoic and cool.
N : I was terrified when he was doing the rope stunts.
U : Nakamaru kept telling me not to do them. And Nakamaru’s mother also said the same, they’re indeed alike (laughs).
K : On the whole, the concert has Ueda’s style.
A : Oh, I saw Koki in the hall, we coincidentally went on the same day.
K : Really? I stood up during the encore.
A : And Koki was singing together during the last song, I thought that was very cute (laughs).
U : This is the first time I’m hearing this (laughs).
A : And I was thinking, “Did Koki even memorized the lyrics?” (laughs)
-T : Were you that near to me?
U : I also didn’t know that Akanishi came, he called and told me after that.
A : I didn’t want to say initially.
K : Why?
A : Cos’ I didn’t go to Nakamaru’s stage show...
U : Akanishi said something like, “Don’t tell Nakamaru.”
N : If you minded, you should have come (laughs)!
A : I wanted to go but I’ve got work that couldn’t be pushed away. That was more important than Nakamaru (laughs).
N : Hey! But it’s a pity, Akanishi, that you missed my wonderful stage show.
-T : But Nakamaru’s stage show isn’t something great (laughs).
N : Hey!!!!

translations credit to konoaida
I believe Yuichi's stage show was great and I would really like to watch it.
ReplyDeleteI saw the preview of his stage show, the one where he played with his shadows, and I thought it was awesome.
Was there ever a video released? I would also love to see it. I would have loved to have seen it in person, but trips to Japan are just not in my budget. Maybe he'll do another one someday and I will win the lottery so I can afford to see it.
ReplyDeleteHis first one-man stage show called Nakamaru-kun no Tanoshii Jikan. Unfortunately, they didn't released DVD for this awesome show T_T
ReplyDeleteim missing JinRu with this talk