Point Zero
Where It Started
We at that time had both good and bad sides. First obvious thing, we were "reckless", "stubborn"... we didn't listen to a thing. We didn't realize what were risky. That was for sure (laughs). No matter how many times staffs had been warning (laughs). As for myself, if I got angry at, I would listen and do as they told. But while apologizing "Sorry", I often thought "Why the hell do they have to be so upset ?". I was still against (them anyway).
KAT-TUN on stage at that time only thought of doing things to strike the eyes. Speaking reckless/madcap things was believed as cool stuffs. Now that I recalled, those habits were apparently very wrong (laughs). Now if I can, I would like to apologize from the bottom of my heart. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry for what we did in the past." (laughs). But that stubborn thing was like the group's power. With the recklessness, we suddenly believed that anything was possible for us. That kind of element, as I previously told, was probably our good side. At the beginning that we characterized our group, we didn't intend to be a rebellious-imaged group but it was all from our own characteristics. KAT-TUN right now stated our own color. Being egocentric, being precocious, but that somehow included our power and passion. So even I think about myself in the past, I still insist on what I did. I see them as accumulating experiences. Maybe no longer having the recklessness but the seed (of recklessness) still takes root in everybody's DNAs. So to it as such beautiful stuff, that wouldn't be KAT-TUN (laughs). On the other hands, KAT-TUN at that time and present KAT-TUN, there've certainly a lot of stories done but eventually we have grown up to be adults who can stay in the basic rules....although, it was too slowly developped (laughs).
If we have to describe to others about a group named "KAT-TUN", probably a group of "members with own characteristics". On this earth, there isn't only good side. If people like us got in a normal company, they would think we swaggered around (laughs). Cause everybody had extreme images. A combination of different characteristics probably.
If all members were me ? I can assure you 100%, this group would not gonna sell (laughs). If that was real, it would be "move aside Nakamaru", "Do it more extremely, Nakamaru", probably things like this (laughs). Among all members, I'm the one with "ordinary image". Being in the group of extreme images, my "oridinariness" can probably be equal to the other side of the extreme images. Anyway, no matter in the past or present, I've never been like "I would like them to see me like this", I've never thought that. But it's just naturally myself to be. On the other hand, Ueda thinks a lot about characteristics. Old fans should know about this well. Suddenly Ueda often says "Let end this kind of character, shouldn't I ?" Are you still think of changing it, Ueda (laughs)? Wouldn't you be confused in changing image ? No no no, he sees it like fun stuffs. I'd like to support him for that. As for Koki, he has an extreme character, right ? That kind of characteristics is really good for the live performance. I envy that. Someone did told me "You...if you try, you'll be able to do it too". But I'm confident that I couldn't do it (laughs). Like a person wanna do something impossible.
Looking at the fans, KAT-TUN probably has many meanings to them. We're probably the group without calmness. But that is the way "KAT-TUN" is. KAT-TUN in these days, all members have rather high passions. All members in KAT-TUN has quite passionate dreams. When we talk, we usually say it straight away. We've been together for a long time. In the work issues, we don't have to refrain from hurting. I receive a lot of stimulants from members. hmm..this is a good relationship.
Who We are …
Last year's live, doing the bungee jumping right ? At that time, I felt the generosities of all the fans. When I jumped down, many applases, many screams, that kind of atmosphere really gave me warmness. “Fans' feelings were sent through this atmosphere". I like to read fan messages. The serious ones with complaints or blames, I can't help feeling sad (laughs). But although, I'm good-for-nothing but still receiving warm welcomes. Just like this the J-Web that I write the diary, I always read everyone's messages. After reading, I usually have high inspirations. In that column, "Let's write what we like", sometimes I use the picture icon representing stories, many fans seem to like it but some of them says "Eh..I don't get the meanings" too (laughs). "Ah...so there's this kind of responses too". It's a thing to learn about. Not just in the web, living our own lives too, for all of us, to satisfy everyone's need is the difficult thing. But if most people can have fun out of it, it should be good. It would be good to think like this.
Translation credits :
JPN TO THA murasaki_kyokai
THA TO ENG yuijbj
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