credit to maruSyume

name NAKAMARU YUICHI nickname YUCCHI, YUU, MARU birthplace TOKYO, JAPAN birthdate SEPTEMBER 4, 1983 zodiac VIRGO siblings 2 YOUNGER SISTERS height 176cm blood type O special talent BEATBOX favourite colour GREY, BLACK, WHITE favourite fruit STRAWBERRY addicted to CHOCOLATE favourite sports SOCCER currently studying at WASEDA UNIVERSITY for HUMAN BEHAVIOUR AND ENVIRONMENT SCIENCES

Monday, 11 October 2010


Dated : 6th October 2010
No. 601

Nyoki Nyoki
Good evening
This is Nakamaru Yuichi

The other day Akanishi's farewell party was held, and I went to the event

Before departing for his international tour, he greeted his domestic fans

I feel that sort of thing is quite important

In the MC I was received on stage, and on the spur of the moment I engaged in cheerful conversation with the man himself

It's been a new situation, and even if the overseas concerts don't receive successful evaluation, he is still determined and wants to show the best entertainment (possible)

The thing about having a meal with Ueda was washed away, but the plan is to go before too long

Right, well yesterday was the second time for 'I'm pleased with this present', it was held between photo shoots

This time the main person was Ueda-kun who had his birthday on the 4th of October

The following is this time's present line-up

(present 1)

(present 2)

(present 3)

(present 4)

And the chosen present was the vaccuum cleaner

Who's is which present is said in the following

Boxing goods and an assortment of military items

Jersey set

Boxing goods and an assortment of boxing mangas

Vaccuum cleaner

So it can be deduced that Taguchi acquired 1 point

My own prediction was that he might be happy with a number of goods related to his hobby, but I failed wonderfully

I hope I guess correctly next time

See you
Kachan, tsu- tsu- tsu-

Dated : 8th October 2010
No. 602

Nyoki nyoki
This is Nakamaru Yuichi

Yesterday we had the interviews for 'Ray,' 'duet,' 'POTATO,' and 'Wink up'

Today is the radio recording

I took some photos of cute dogs, so I wanted to include them

(photo 1 : Mister)

(photo 2 : Mister)

(photo 3 : Choco)

(photo 4 : Choco)

The legs/paws are small and cute

Currently 'Nakamaru's Page' is in the middle of carrying out the 600th post commemoration

I'm waiting for everyone's mails

See you
Kachan, tsu- tsu- tsu-

translations credit to kk-me
pics credit to lailaKATTUN


  1. What's the web address for the original posts?

  2. We can't simply access to Nakamaru's page without japanese mobile (DoCoMo). That's why we should thank and credit the fans who able to upload and translate his web entries for us^^

  3. Absolutely...DOUMO ARIGATO GOZAIMASU (deepest bow possible) to the fans who provide this for us...

  4. No need to apologise dear... Let's spread Nakamaru Yuichi & KAT-TUN love together ne~~~
