credit to maruSyume

name NAKAMARU YUICHI nickname YUCCHI, YUU, MARU birthplace TOKYO, JAPAN birthdate SEPTEMBER 4, 1983 zodiac VIRGO siblings 2 YOUNGER SISTERS height 176cm blood type O special talent BEATBOX favourite colour GREY, BLACK, WHITE favourite fruit STRAWBERRY addicted to CHOCOLATE favourite sports SOCCER currently studying at WASEDA UNIVERSITY for HUMAN BEHAVIOUR AND ENVIRONMENT SCIENCES

Tuesday, 12 October 2010



The first time you ___ alone

The first time I went somewhere alone was probably to a family restaurant. I think I was in highschool, and after work I got told 'I haven't prepared anything today so eat out ok?' and I thought 'What should I do...?' and that's the first time I went into a restaurant by myself. After I ordered, I had no idea what I should do, so I just played on my phone. The whole time I was waiting I was nervous, my heart was like 'doki doki', (lol).

Your first fight

I do my utmost not to get into fights, I'm the type that's always going "Hey hey, come on now..." (lol). Have I had a fight? Ah, that's right, I had one when I was in junior school. There was someone who wanted to come and pick a fight with one of my class mates. He didn't even have a reason. At first he did nothing to my class mate, but he was so overly persistant that I thought I was just going to have to fight him, and I seem to remember it just turned into a grappling fight. In the end though I got punched in the face and got a nose bleed so I lost. But then I had a reason so it turned into a tussle, and the other kid ended up saying "Ok I got it, that's enough, let's stop this". And I believed what he said so I let our hands go and as soon as I did, I got punched again. That was around first grade, and ever since then, I've stopped trusting people... (lol)

Your first reward to yourself

Well it's not the first, but the time before last, after I finished a tight job as a present to myself I went to the sushi shop I've been interested in. It's not the kind of place you can just enter causually, so I think it was my [good] timing. There was no sign to give prices, they just leave you to it. Anyway from the start there was sea urchin, and salmon roe, just popping out one after the other and I was seriously thinking 'What the hell~', it cost way more that what I thought but even though it was pricey, well ~ it was really good!

Your first tears of happiness, first man-tears

I have this memory of when I was in third year of middle school, watching Titanic and bawling my eyes out. But maybe that wasn't the first time I'd cried like that... It's really hard to refrain from crying while watching movies. I felt really sorry for the friends that went to see it with me.

At the moment/recently

Um... ah, that's right. Today I got home delivery and I could see the guy who brought it on the intercom, he looked like a cheery kinda guy. Then, when I opened the door, just like what I saw on the intercom, was this really crisp looking person. He said "The receipt is with your order thanks very much", and just like that, he left. He handed it over so frantically it seems he forgot to take the money. Man, that really surprised me. Of course I called out 'Hey, I haven't paid you know~!' and paid properly. But if I hadn't said anything, that guy would have just gone no problems, without getting the money, lol.

translations credit to zurui-koi
picture credit to aznongaku


  1. So he's protective of his friends, compassionate, and honest. I guess I'm doomed to suffer unrequited love for him forever

  2. me too... hahahaha..:)

    *how could i laugh at things like this?*

  3. Because if we didn't laugh, we'd cry at the sheer frustration of it...better to laugh and keep our love of him joyful than to allow it to turn to sorrow.

  4. I don't know what to comment but I think Yucchi is the type that can be easily accepted by all fathers in law AHAHA

  5. Sorry, I know I got a little heavy there for a moment. I'll try not to do that.

  6. Hey, I've told you in my previous entry, there's nothing to apologize about. Let's continue flailing over Yucchi together ne~~

    p/s : I LOVE GEEKS AND NERDS. I think they're sexy inside... ehehe

  7. And I can tell you from personal experience they make good husbands and great lovers
