credit to maruSyume

name NAKAMARU YUICHI nickname YUCCHI, YUU, MARU birthplace TOKYO, JAPAN birthdate SEPTEMBER 4, 1983 zodiac VIRGO siblings 2 YOUNGER SISTERS height 176cm blood type O special talent BEATBOX favourite colour GREY, BLACK, WHITE favourite fruit STRAWBERRY addicted to CHOCOLATE favourite sports SOCCER currently studying at WASEDA UNIVERSITY for HUMAN BEHAVIOUR AND ENVIRONMENT SCIENCES

Sunday, 9 January 2011

NAKAMARU'S PAGE NO. 638, 639, 640

Nakamaru's Page No. 638
Dated : 31st of December 2010

Happy New Year

There's still some left ne

Nyoki nyoki
Good Evening
This is Nakamaru Yuichi

This year too is ending ne

So fast

And this is the last update too for 'Nakamaru's Page'

This year too, I'm immensely indebted to all of you

I know this year the status of economic activity has congested, so to speak, and that the lack of employment has caused trouble, there have been a lot of these somewhat dark topics in one year

Everyone, this year was what kind of year for you?

KAT-TUN-wise, there were a lot of things

The Live Tour was the (most) impressive thing

It was the first time we had an overseas concert and the like, this year as well we holding concerts in a lot of different places brings back good memories

I'm grateful to everyone who got to the places (concert domes, etc) by foot

I hope that everyone can be surprised about the contents of next year's tour again

Next year, please take care of KAT-TUN again

And I want to make a great effort for 'Nakamaru's Page' to improve it's contents more and more

Have a good year
See you

Gachan, tsu- tsu- tsu-

Nakamaru's Page No. 639
Dated : 3rd of January 2011

Happy New Year

Please take care of us this year too

This is Nakamaru Yuichi

It's now 2011

Studying the chronology of this year's events in the distant future, it's really like the 'scent' of 2011

Setting that aside, I've spent the first thee days of the new year at ease with my family

It's stress-free

My dogs are fine too

(photo: close up, Choco)

(photo: Mister, resting)

I went to walk my dogs

(photo: Choco on leash)

(photo: Mister on leash + Nakamaru's hand, LOL)

That was peace indeed

After the count down live, I went with everyone from the jimusho to visit our first shrine of the New Year

I want this year too to be a year that I (we) reach my (our) goals

Well then I hope you'll listen to the radio programme that'll be on from around 12 midnight on Tuesday

It's Nippon Cultural Broadcasting's 'R-ONE KAT-TUN'

This time it's 'The first round of the new year, Grandpa Nakamaru makes an appearance! This year there's (some word I dunno) proclamations!'

See you
Gachan, tsu- tsu- tsu-

Nakamaru's Page No. 640
Dated : 5th of January 2011

Nyoki nyoki
Good evening
This is Nakamaru Yuichi

Yesterday it was confirmed that the PV's filming and the making of footage for KAT-TUN's new song, 'ULTIMATE WHEELS' which is being used for Suzuki's CM will reach you with the usual skill (* I think what he means is that they only just finished filming stuff yesterday or something? xP)

By the way, for this time's Backstage Corner, we had a 'Baseball Board'

Is it, really, Taguchi's second consecutive victory in the Backstage Corner?

Or does I like Baseball Kame prevent that?

Or are the others lying low to ambush (them/that)?

Douzo everyone, taking this opportunity, everyone please look forward to the song and (watching) the PV footage in your homes

The release date for 'ULTIMATE WHEELS' is the 2/2

See you
Gachan, tsu- tsu- tsu-

translations credit to ss_translations

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