credit to maruSyume

name NAKAMARU YUICHI nickname YUCCHI, YUU, MARU birthplace TOKYO, JAPAN birthdate SEPTEMBER 4, 1983 zodiac VIRGO siblings 2 YOUNGER SISTERS height 176cm blood type O special talent BEATBOX favourite colour GREY, BLACK, WHITE favourite fruit STRAWBERRY addicted to CHOCOLATE favourite sports SOCCER currently studying at WASEDA UNIVERSITY for HUMAN BEHAVIOUR AND ENVIRONMENT SCIENCES

Wednesday, 26 January 2011


Nakamaru's Page No. 642
Dated : 10th of January 2011

This is Nakamaru Yuichi

Today is Coming of Age Day ne

Coming of Age Day is a
'Becoming conscious of turning into an adult, surviving on your own account, a celebration encouraging young people' day, I guess

In one part for the Coming of Age ceremony there was also some areas where snow was falling but it seems that nation-wide it (the weather) cleared up

Everyone who came of age
Omedetou gozaimasu
Please grow up to be exemplary adults

Well then from around 12 o'clock midnight on Tuesday there's a radio programm I'd like you to listen to

It's Bunka housou's 'R-ONE KAT-TUN'

This time it's 'the popular corner - That's it! Let's go to OO! This time as well local listeners express (themselves) and brag!'

See you
Gachan, tsu- tsu- tsu-

Nakamaru's Page No. 643
Dated : 12th of January 2011

Nyoki nyoki
Good evening
This is Nakamaru Yuichi

Winter break has finished and I've stared my class work

Because the end-of-winter-break classes (last) until the end of January, this short term is really coming to an end

As this end-of-term task is also out, I want to and go (ahead) and gain a credit with a quick, efficient attitude (/behaviour)

See you
Gachan, tsu- tsu- tsu-

translations credit to ss_translations


  1. Let us study hard together Yuichi =)

  2. Keep focusing on your studies but don't ever stop flailing over Yucchi... Ganbatte both of you!^^
